Monday, June 22, 2009

Memory Monday:

Childhood games.

We played a lot of the games at school (between classes – and sometimes during).

I had 2 favorites:

Rundbold and Antonius

Now rundbold is similar to baseball or softball – and yet totally different I guess.

Here are the rules for rundbold
There’s only one thing I’d like to add. We did have someone to throw or bounce the ball for us when we were to hit it.
Like this:

I think I liked this game so much because I was pretty good at it. It was one of those games where I was actually in the top half of the class when teams were made. And it was not because I was a very good runner. But I could hit the ball far out of the field and I could throw it pretty far as well. And I was a fairly decent catcher too.

Antonius is also a game that calls for ‘throwers’ and ‘catchers’. Mostly it’s played around a house - or something similar.

All you need is one of these - and a house:

There are two teams. The teams stand on each side of the house.
How to play:
Team A has the ball, and someone from the team throws the ball across the roof while the rest of the team yells “Antonius”.
The other team attempts to catch the ball before it hits ground. If caught it means point for the team. Team B throws the ball back. Same procedure. When a team’s got 3 points they are allowed to sneak around the building and when they yell “Antonius” the members of the opposite team have to maintain whatever spot they are in.
The person that caught the ball last, can after have taken three steps (and after having spat at the ground and going to wherever that landed….) try and hit one from the other team with the ball and if succeeded that person will have to join the other team. And the game continues.

But those were not the only games we played. And we didn’t just play games at school. More about that later.
I have been sick, so today’s post is rather short. There was more, but it will be posted later.
Have a great first day of the week.

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