Sunday, August 30, 2009

Sapphic Sunday:

If you find yourself not knowing what to do on a cold and rainy Sunday (or any other day of the week…) then watching movies or television series and/or web series is an excellent choice – unless of course you want to take care of the dishes or do some cleaning or maybe the laundry….

Right… So back to the entertainment :-)

What do you do when you figure out that you don’t want to see another mainstream movie or series because you haven’t had time to catch up on all the stories you wanted to that have lesbian content?
If you realize that you’ve not watched the latest in the development of the Otalia storyline or maybe haven’t watched the entire Pepsi storyline or haven’t even started on the Starla storyline yet, then there’s hope my friend.
The same goes if there are certain movies you might have heard of, but are not sure if you actually want to see them.
Or if you just want to see some fan made tribute videos to the above mentioned stories.
Or vlogs or commercials or...

Well obviously it takes time to search the Internet for all that information. So it’s a really good thing that someone already came up with the idea to gather all these videos at one place:

So if you didn’t already know about this website then you really need to go and check it out.
And enjoy your Sunday :-)

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