Monday, December 1, 2008

L Word... Season 6 cast commentary...

First there's the second spoiler (with Lucy Lawless as a cop), and then the commentary follows.



My favorite part of the storyline this season is that Dylan returns. (Yeah I like Dylena - thought they were very, very cute together. Helena met her match.)
And from what I could tell, there seem to be some sort of story there. (Watch from 3.50.) And the two brief (very brief) scenes between them (Watch 4.24 - 4.26). Now that just made my Christmas!
I just hope Ilene Chaiken doesn't f*ck it up make a mess of the whole thing.

If you can't get enough of the L Word read Dorothy Snarkers post on the very subject...

Remember it's World's AIDS day.
Protect yourself/Use protection.

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