I realize that my question in my
last post could offend people, but that was not my intention.
I'm a plus size myself.
So why do we need to discuss weight? Or dating women who are overweight?
[Why do we have to apologize for being attracted to anything 'not normal'?]*It's all about the attraction. Why should it matter if you are attracted to skinny, overweight, black, white, red, yellow, tall, short, femme, butch, androgyne, etc?
And you can't control who you are attracted to (you can however control whether or not to
act on the attraction - but that's different story).
Being overweight it's all about confidence I guess. And being comfortable with who you are. If you don't like yourself, how can you expect others to like you?
In my case my overweight has something to do with 3 (main) things:
- Laziness
- Love of food
- Being insecure about who I was.
The first two things is something that's easily fixed, but the last one took quite some time.
[I think I had this idea, that if no one was attracted to me, then I wouldn't have to worry about dating - and in my case which gender to date. Stupid, right? You can't put your life on hold. Sometimes it would be relly nice to have a remote like in Click, though.]So I'm dealing with my weight right now. I'll never be a size zero. Probably never a size 4 either, but that's fine by me. I'm not going for 'a size'. I just want to be happy with who I am. (And it's not that I'm
unhappy right now. I'm just not happy. Apparently I'm not making any sense either.)
But that doesn't mean I don't have to eat healthy or live healthy (this April it's been a year since my last cigarette and I'm quite proud of that one!) and get my lazy a** into the gym - or at least exercising.
As for the obsession af the perfect body...
Perfect is actually Latin for
"finished"Aristotle said “That is perfect:
1. which is complete — which contains all the requisite parts;
2. which is so good that nothing of the kind could be better;
3. which has attained its purpose”
Defining perfection isn't that easy. What's perfect for me is - most likely - not perfect for you. And isn’t that the way it’s supposed to be? Would we really want the same ideal?
But in a world where we are encouraged to ‘fit in’ at an early age, it sometimes can be difficult to stand out and dare to be different.
* In this case I'm talking about weight. And by 'not normal', I refer to society's standards set by models, designers and/or actors/actresses (which basically doesn't mean that it's normal - it's just how the trend is right now). And I'm not saying it's the right standard. Just the current.